
0.2 Miles / 0.3 km
Time to Hike:
~6 minutes
Surface Type:
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest
Salt Lake City, Utah
40.634126, -111.71124
May 31, 2024
June 19, 2024
96 '

Total Change
102 '

102 '


The Moss Ledge Falls Trail at Wasatch National Forest near Salt Lake City, Utah is an easy 0.2-mile out-and-back hike that leads to the multi-tier waterfall known as Mess Ledge Falls.

This hike begins at a discrete trailhead at the coordinates provided located on the north side of a large parking turnout along UT-190 within Big Cottonwood Canyon. The dirt trail leads up a moderate grade for just one-tenth of a mile to reach the multi-tiered waterfall, Moss Ledge Falls. The trail itself runs alongside Elbow Fork Creek and provides hikers with the opportunity to rock hop to the west side if they wish. During the Spring, when snow is still melting from the high elevation peaks, the creek may flood the trail slightly, so you may have to get your feet wet or rock hop to keep them dry. At mile 0.1, hikers will reach the base of Moss Ledge Falls. During our hike here in late May 2024, the snow melt and recent rain water filled the bedrock enough to form the waterfall, but it wasn't rushing like other waterfalls in the area, like Hidden Falls. Due to the lack of water, I was able to scramble up the lower tier of the cascade to get a better view of the upper tier of Moss Ledge Falls, you can check out the attached photos for a wide-angle shot of the waterfall if you're curious. The hike back is easy, just follow the same trail out. Before you leave, you might notice a ~8-foot tall waterfall tucked away that sits just off-trail -- technically, you pass this cascade on the hike in and out. I've added that as POI to the map and you can choose to explore the cascade before you leave.

Hikers will find a large parking turnout at the coordinates provided. The turnout is large enough to fit a dozen vehicles as of May 2024.

Dogs are not allowed within Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Explore 19 trails near Salt Lake City, UT
  1. Parking

    40.634126, -111.71124
  2. Main Trailhead

    40.634181, -111.71126
  3. Moss Ledge Falls

    40.634964, -111.711869
    Moss Ledge Falls
  4. Moss Ledge Falls, multi-tier waterfall

    40.634972, -111.7118
    Moss Ledge Falls, multi-tier waterfall
  5. Roadside waterfall, approx. 8-feet tall

    40.634267, -111.711603
    Roadside waterfall, approx. 8-feet tall
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Rockfalls / Ledges / or Scrambles



Photo Albums

2 Trip Reports

No Star-Ratings
Trail Guide By:
Admin user profile picture
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
Trail added
May 31, 2024
Hiked on
May 31, 2024
Updated on
June 19, 2024
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
May 31, 2024
Waterfall was a bit of a trickle compared to Hidden Falls down the road but was still a nice hike to explore the cascade.

Weather Forecast

In Salt Lake City, UT

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MyHikes is an indie web platform aimed to make exploring public trails easier for everyone. The site has no investors and is owned and operated by one person, Dave Miller (Founder & Admin). As the Founder, main contributor, and doer-of-all-things for MyHikes, I share my trips with over-detailed write-ups for fun on a volunteer basis and I believe that public trail information should be available to everyone.

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Dave Miller
MyHikes Founder & Admin