
Twin Mountain Vista Hike - Photos

Album Added: October 27, 2022

 Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
State Game Lands 68 - open field view from the parking lot
State Game Lands 68 - open field view from the parking lot
Hiking west along the SGL 68 service road
Hiking west along the SGL 68 service road
Pond view
Pond view
Pond view
Pond view
Fire-red foliage
Fire-red foliage
Fire-red foliage
Fire-red foliage
Hiking the SGL 68 service road
Hiking the SGL 68 service road
Hiking the SGL 68 service road
Hiking the SGL 68 service road
Picture 10 of Twin Mountain Vista Hike
Right-hand turn to stay on service road (heading west)
Right-hand turn to stay on service road (heading west)
Right-hand turn onto the Hillborn Trail
Right-hand turn onto the Hillborn Trail
Twin Mountain Vista - Elevation 2,180
Twin Mountain Vista - Elevation 2,180
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Birch tree with carvings
Birch tree with carvings
 Twin Mountain Vista
Twin Mountain Vista
Explore the Trail:
2.9 Miles
Cedar Run, Pennsylvania
State Game Lands 68