
Cunningham Pond Trails - Photos

Album Added: July 07, 2021

A glimpse of Cunningham Pond through the shrubs growing alongside Carriage Road
A glimpse of Cunningham Pond through the shrubs growing alongside Carriage Road
Sign marking Conservation Hiking area
Sign marking Conservation Hiking area
Trailhead Parking area
Trailhead Parking area
Information Kiosk with posted map of trails
Information Kiosk with posted map of trails
Trails are well marked and easy to follow
Trails are well marked and easy to follow
Beautiful stone stairway along the trail
Beautiful stone stairway along the trail
Sturdy wooden bridge
Sturdy wooden bridge
Well marked junctions
Well marked junctions
Stream along the trail
Stream along the trail
Trail is well marked through the forest
Trail is well marked through the forest
Sturdy Bridge over the stream
Sturdy Bridge over the stream
Stream along the trail
Stream along the trail
Signs point the way
Signs point the way
Trail through the ferns up toward the field
Trail through the ferns up toward the field
The large open field with views on nearby mountains
The large open field with views on nearby mountains
The trail skirts along the edge of the field and forest
The trail skirts along the edge of the field and forest
Quaint old building can be seen from the trail along the field
Quaint old building can be seen from the trail along the field
The trail intersects with Carriage Road here, stay to the right to stay on the trail
The trail intersects with Carriage Road here, stay to the right to stay on the trail
Carriage Road has no blazes but is easy to follow
Carriage Road has no blazes but is easy to follow
Trail turns off of Carriage Road and back into the woods
Trail turns off of Carriage Road and back into the woods
Explore the Trail:
2.0 Miles
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Monadnock Conservancy