
Cranberry Meadow Pond - Photos

Album Added: August 14, 2019

Cranberry Meadow Pond
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Street Side parking on Old Street Road
Street Side parking on Old Street Road
Street Side parking on Old Street Road
Street Side parking on Old Street Road
Trailhead Sign
Trailhead Sign
Posted trail map at kiosk
Posted trail map at kiosk
Posted trail map at kiosk
Posted trail map at kiosk
Trail marker on tree
Trail marker on tree
Trail marker on tree
Trail marker on tree
The trail begins through the rock wall
The trail begins through the rock wall
Boardwalk to Marsh habitat
Boardwalk to Marsh habitat
Lush vegitation through wetland
Lush vegitation through wetland
Healthy Cat tails
Healthy Cat tails
Beautiful Marsh wetland
Beautiful Marsh wetland
Joe Pye Weed in Marsh habitat
Joe Pye Weed in Marsh habitat
Trail substrate
Trail substrate
The trail winds along a lovely brook
The trail winds along a lovely brook
Picture 17 of Cranberry Meadow Pond
Watch out for the widowmakers
Watch out for the widowmakers
One one several sturdy foot bridges to help navigate the trail
One one several sturdy foot bridges to help navigate the trail
Trail narrows as vegitation grows
Trail narrows as vegitation grows
Small trees grow in dense clusters
Small trees grow in dense clusters
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Cranberry Meadow Pond
Short path to the pond
Short path to the pond
Blackberry bushes provide a trail side nibble
Blackberry bushes provide a trail side nibble
High bush Blueberries
High bush Blueberries
Trail marker on tree
Trail marker on tree
Wooden bridge to assist crossing
Wooden bridge to assist crossing
Trail intersection at East Mountain Road
Trail intersection at East Mountain Road
this is NOT the continuation of the trail, head up the street
this is NOT the continuation of the trail, head up the street
Look for this marker along East Mountain Road to continue hike on Cranberry Meadow Trail
Look for this marker along East Mountain Road to continue hike on Cranberry Meadow Trail
Entrance to Parking area and trailhead at East Mountain Road
Entrance to Parking area and trailhead at East Mountain Road
Trailhead Kiosk at East Mountain Road
Trailhead Kiosk at East Mountain Road
Cranberry Meadow Pond Trail continues through the boulders
Cranberry Meadow Pond Trail continues through the boulders
Map at kiosk shows the trail directly across from intersection, its actually UP the road a bit
Map at kiosk shows the trail directly across from intersection, its actually UP the road a bit
Explore the Trail:
4.7 Miles
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Monadnock Conservancy