
1.0 Mile / 1.6 km
Time to Hike:
~30 minutes
Surface Type:
Mount Holyoke Range State Park
Granby, Massachusetts
42.268681, -72.499543
April 02, 2018
January 23, 2020
98 '

Total Change
118 '

101 '


The 100-acre Granby Sand Plain parcel is located south of the main park, between Green Meadow Lane and Lyman Street, in the Town of Granby. This flat parcel was once a remote transmitter site for Westover Air Reserve Base in nearby Chicopee. It became part of Mount Holyoke Range State Park in 2002.

There is a 'no parking' sign at the entrance, seeming to be more for not parking front of the gate, there is room to park before the gate, but it's on private property. The owner of the house at the end seemed fine with me parking there, but said usually people park on 202 or at the school nearby. To be more respectful of the adjacent private property, please park on 202 or at the school nearby if possible.

The gate opens to a paved road slowly being reclaimed by nature. To the left is swamp/wetland and the right offers several side trails. After a short walk in, a fence appears on both sides of the road flanked by 6 large pines (3 on each side), a living tribute to original gate to the Reserve Station. Beyond the pines the parking lot opens up some and you can see the foundations of the building that once stood there. There is no set path around this fenced in area and the only side trail within it leads to the swamp. 

Most of the trails here to seem intersect at some point, and none are marked. Since this area is still considered a young growth forest, it feels very open in most spaces so it would be difficult to get lost.

Note: Every person I spoke with about this location informed me that the ticks are extra bad here.

Explore 204 trails near Granby, MA
  1. Parking

    42.268681, -72.499543
  2. Main Trailhead

    42.268681, -72.499543
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Ticks - Lyme Disease More Info (CDC)



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Trail Guide By:
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1.0 mile / 1.6 km
Trail added
April 02, 2018
Hiked on
March 31, 2018
Updated on
January 23, 2020

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In Granby, MA

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Dave Miller
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