
0.4 Miles / 0.6 km
Time to Hike:
~12 minutes
Surface Type:
Tioga State Forest
Morris Run, Pennsylvania
41.687702, -76.975979
November 24, 2023
January 05, 2024
37 '

Total Change
42 '

42 '


Fall Brook Cemetery at Tioga State Forest near Morris Run, Pennsylvania is an easy 0.4-mile walk that features a late 19th-century cemetery for the people of the long-gone ghost town of Fall Brook.

Unmaintained Cemetery / Fragile State
Please note that the Fall Brook Cemetery, as of November 2023, is not maintained by the state forest and is in a state of abandonment. Many of the headstones are still standing, but some are broken. The forest is also reclaiming many of the headstones that lie flat on the ground. Forest floor shrubs and low-growing plants are starting to overtake the cemetery. This cemetery is in a deteriorating state, so please do not make it any worse. Please only visit this place to explore respectfully and always leave what you find better than how you found it, thanks!

The trail that leads into Fall Brook Cemetery is a short road-like forest path that leads uphill for about 0.1-miles before reaching the cemetery. Once at the cemetery, you have free reign to walk the overgrown, unmaintained paths. Graves are sometimes very hard to find, but they're there nonetheless. You might find Princess Pine, blueberry bushes, or other types of low-growing forest plants in, on, and around the graves. Many headstones that lie flat on the ground are becoming overtaken by the overgrowth and most grave sits are raised beds, which stick out of the ground at about 1-foot tall each, creating weird mounds throughout the cemetery. Most of the headstones are from the late 1800's (1860's to 1900) as the town of Fall Brook existed between that time as a coal mining town. Once the coal ran out, in 1900, the town ceased to exist. Many of the graves found here are those of coal miner workers and their family members, but also those of children. Back then, many children died young due to diseases. Upon our visit here, one of the largest and nicest headstones in the cemetery was that of a 1-year old child -- likely someone related to a coal mine business owner or wealthy family who lived in town.

This GPS track includes a walk around the entire cemetery, for the most-part, so it's about 0.4-mile out-and-back to see the whole thing.

Visitors will find a very small parking turnout at the coordinates provided at the end of Furman Road. The turnout is large enough to fit about two vehicles max. Note that Furman Road is wide enough to fit one car.

Dogs are allowed only if leashed and cleaned up after.

Explore 234 trails near Morris Run, PA
  1. Parking

    41.687702, -76.975979
  2. Main Trailhead

    41.687743, -76.975927
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Ticks - Lyme Disease More Info (CDC)
Poison Ivy/Oak



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2 Trip Reports

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Trail Guide By:
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0.4 miles / 0.6 km
Trail added
November 24, 2023
Hiked on
September 17, 2023
Updated on
January 05, 2024
0.4 miles / 0.6 km
September 17, 2023
Mid-September walk into Fall Brook Cemetery was really interesting. Never seen a cemetery reclaimed by nature like this one
Dogs Hiking

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In Morris Run, PA

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Dave Miller
MyHikes Founder & Admin