
0.2 Miles / 0.3 km
Time to Hike:
~6 minutes
Surface Type:
Ravensburg State Park
Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
41.09971, -77.244019
March 05, 2022
March 05, 2022
126 '

Total Change
136 '

136 '


Castle Rocks at Ravensburg State Park near Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania is a difficult 0.2-mile out-and-back trail with rock scrambles to reach the top of a mountainous rock outcropping named Castle Rocks.

Hike Description
This trail follows an unofficial path that leads up to the base of Castle Rocks. There, hikers are faced with two 5-foot tall rock ledges that must be climbed to reach the top of the lower sections of Castle Rock. Once atop the lower rock outcropping, hikers get a nice view of the surrounding mountains. Just further up the trail, hikers will climb some similar-sized rock ledges, approximately 3 to 4 feet high, to reach the top of Castle Rocks. At the top, as of March 2022, there's some interesting graffiti, but more importantly, some nice views of the surrounding mountains. This is a gem of a spot as it's not officially mapped on the park map, but is a really fun place to explore. Hike, climb, and explore at your own risk.

Hikers will find a parking turnout by the coordinates provided on the west side of PA-880 / Rauchtown Rd at the southern end of Ravensburg State Park.

Dogs should not be allowed on this terrain due to the steep rock ledges and potential for falling.

Steep ledges: Once hikers make their way up to the top of Castle Rocks, there's a massive drop-off to one side of this rock outcropping. Watch your steps and hike at your own risk.

Winter exploration: Castle Rocks should not be explored in the winter without hiking crampons or ice spikes. Depending on the conditions, an ice axe may be recommended.

Explore 58 trails near Jersey Shore, PA
  1. Parking

    41.09971, -77.244019
  2. Main Trailhead

    41.099724, -77.243827
  3. View from Castle Rocks

    41.099469, -77.243483
    View from Castle Rocks
  4. View from Castle Rocks

    41.099822, -77.243142
    View from Castle Rocks
  5. Castle Rocks

    41.099608, -77.243325
    Castle Rocks
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Ticks - Lyme Disease More Info (CDC)
Rockfalls / Ledges / or Scrambles



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1 Trip Report

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Write-up by:
Admin user profile picture
0.2 miles / 0.3 km
Trail added
March 05, 2022
Hiked on
March 05, 2022
Updated on
March 05, 2022

Weather Forecast

In Jersey Shore, PA

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MyHikes is an indie web platform aimed to make exploring public trails easier for everyone. The site has no investors and is owned and operated by one person, Dave Miller (Founder & Admin). As the Founder, main contributor, and doer-of-all-things for MyHikes, I share my trips with over-detailed write-ups for fun on a volunteer basis and I believe that public trail information should be available to everyone.

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Dave Miller
MyHikes Founder & Admin